Presto Online Course – Introduction

Transcript of Introducción a Presto

Well, here we are with Presto, specifically the 2019 version and we're going to see an example of how to prepare a budget in Presto, at least to give you an idea of how it works and the differences you're going to find with respect to working with a spreadsheet, such as Excel. Okay.

We go to new and then you get a dialog box in which you first have to choose which folder you want to save it in. Typical. From now on we select the path where we save the file before we start. It lets you choose the name of the template. It has to do with the chapter structure you're going to give your play. You can choose none and you'll create it from scratch. But if you select any of these chapters that come here, well what you will find as soon as you start the work is that the chapters are already created. This is very useful. If, for example, you are going to have a building project, you will already have the typical chapters on earth movement, foundations, structure, installations, etc., etc. And this using the templates, it saves you a lot of time. I'm going to start from scratch and tell him to accept.

Presto is a program that has different tabs on one side to access different tools and information and also has here the windows that as you can see, can be clicked and dragged and placed where it suits you best in each case. Sometimes when they overlap they become tabs and if you want to see one of these tabs at the same time as the other, you have to click and place it in another area of the screen. If I for example close this measurements tab and this text tab, I am left in the budget window. Here I have the concept window, here the tree window. I can move one to a different position and in the tree tab I see that the root concept is the name of the work we have created to create the different chapters.

You can come to the budget tab, you would write a code for example C 1 and here we would have the name of the chapter, for example Earthworks. Below you have several options. You can create all the chapters that are in the same level with the same range, for example chapter 02 foundation or on the contrary, by double clicking you can get into each of the chapters and double click on the statement you go to the top, then you can get into the earthwork and create here the chapters or games.

If the games already go here, you can follow the coding criteria that best suits your company. Let us suppose that we continue with this line 0 1 0 one and put here then excavation materials. If we right-click on the nature, we see what nature has been assigned to this concept, because it can be a game, because a chapter can be a work, but it can also be parts of the game in what is called a decomposed price and it could be a material, labor, others, etc. In this case he has done well, he has put the concept into practice. Notice that if you now go back to the tree and display the symbol more you see that everything stays connected. If I go back to the budget tab, you now have several options as well. We may have a broken down price made up of material type elements, labour, auxiliary means, percentages or we may initially put a price on it that we know of. Suppose we already have a price of excavation if we can put it here directly and the amount could also be put here over 2500 cubic meters.

But the most desirable thing, at least in terms of quantity, is for you to assign some measurements to it. If we activate the measurements icon. So you see that here in space we take any space, the plant and the area is an optional option, is the comment too, but you could write here.

So A-block. And here you can do several operations or write it directly, that is, I can write here $2500 or I can write in the block Ã, it is a block of one hundred by twenty-five and this gives me 2500. Okay. I can create one more game C 01 02. And here I put gravel stuffing. I mark the game. I'll stand here. I select the same space. A different one. I can put a comment or a zone here. I hit the down arrow and create the measurements directly in Presto. I'd put a price on it. And then you see how each game does the multiplication and we have the total of the chapter. And if we go up a level and go to the higher concept that is the work, then we see the summary of the budget. If now I wanted to create a game with Decomposites, the procedure would be to assume that we are going to calculate the price of one, the construction of a shoe, but I have here zero two three zero two zero one concrete. We can put measurement on it. We have five 1.2 by 1.1 by 0.5 shoes and we have six 1.4 by 1.2 by 0.6 shoes.

Well, the interesting thing is that now the price, if you want to calculate it broken down, we'll get into the game and start. For example, let's say we start with the official top-notch workforce in B. We can change the nature and put here that this is manpower and we put here first class official or subcontracted structures. This then, according to each work and each case already first class. For this shoe. In order to do so, we would first have to define. The unit of measurement, in this case we want it to be per cubic meter. And we can say that for every shoe we invest, we are going to assume, then, three hours of officer. The unit of measure is the hour and the official price is 25 euros per hour. We have a pawn. We changed nature for him. Let's say we're three hours away and 30 euros. 25 to go. And here I'll put 20.

We have concrete. We can put a P for foundation product. And here we tell you that this is concrete and we can say that it takes one point zero one because it takes some waste and that the concrete is 80 euros from the cubic meter iron zero two zero two zero zero elaborated. Let's assume that 300 kilos go here for one euro. 300 is going to be a lot. Let's put 100 kilos to one euro.

Well, and if we have applied a percentage of some elements, what we have to do is include the percentage symbol. We give it such a name by including the symbol percentage presto you know it is a concept of type percentage and here we can call it auxiliary means. This three point fifteen corresponds to taking all the amounts and dividing it by 100 and now we explain what percentage we want to attribute. If this is a 5 percent, then we put a 5. It would be nice. Now I press F2 to get in here. If we are going to use different aids in the work, use different codes, so here we can put 5 percent in the description, even in the code to remember and so whenever we use the code percentage Aux5 will apply a 5 percent. Okay, I'm going to the foundation level. So I see here that the amount is in magenta, as is the budget, and that means you have more information than just this number here. As for the quantity, we can see that it is broken down. This color gives us a clue, even if I wasn't looking at the measurement when I saw it in pink or magenta, because it tells me that there is more information here. Then I give the line of measurements would see them and count the price. Well, the same thing means that this price comes from somewhere in particular.

These 331 come out of applying these yields. If I, for example, have 2.5 instead of 3 here, then I see that the price changes. Logically, doing the same with all the chapters and items of the work, which is to create chapters if necessary, items decomposition to the items if necessary and measurements, we developed a robust budget, so that everything is connected and does not fail, as can happen with a spreadsheet that can be wrongly added cells, and so on.

Once it is finished, the good thing is that presto already has some report templates that allow us to print this out in a very professional way. We would come here for reports, budgets and measurements and here we would have, for example, budgets and measurements. It asks us a series of questions by default. They are usually well ordered, as if we want to print the text or not, in this case we have not included text in the games, but we could describe each of the games with the memory and we give it a preview and we see. He's separating each chapter into a sheet. This if we give it back, then it can be activated. It's one of the variables that comes in here. For example, new page for each chapter instead of if we put one in and when we preview it we see that the whole budget fits one side.

Well, that depends on how you want to present it. Then notice that it is very elegant, very simple earthwork, the items in the measurement lines totally detailed, all the chapters there are and a total. Well, this is the tip of Presto's iceberg. Then we have the part of cost study very interesting, because on the one hand we have the budget that we can present to the client, but then there would be the cost study where you say… Well, I am not going to buy the concrete instead of 80 65 the iron instead of a euro steel 90 and you put these prices and your margins even using chapters that do not necessarily have to do with the final client, such as the rent of the building site, the surveillance and security, etc., etc. You make in parallel within the same file, a budget that I now call the planning, would be a separate module. What else can we do? Buy this. The certification. That is, once the time is up, we could assign dates, certifications monthly or with other different dates. Which is not so usual, but can be done on loan, will be adapted to the dates you want to certify and will be tripling month by month. What's worked. You can even reuse your own budget lines if they match reality to certify them or make variations.

What else can be done with Presto? Well, the Cost-It plug-in is a great thing that connects Revit to Presto instead of you making a budget like we did here, where you add the measuring lines manually. You can draw the project in a program like Revit. So draw on the foundation. The walls, the floors, those inside the walls can be finished, all the coatings. With that Cost-It plugin you go to presto. And you get all the chapters and all the games, which you can then even rearrange. With all the measurements fully detailed, so you know each of the measurements shown here broken down to which part of the project it belongs. In fact, if we have presto and Revit open at the same time at any time, well. Locate a Revit budget item in loan or vice versa, locate a measurement line to whom you loaned, you do not know well which part it now corresponds to, because it is located in the file in Revit. And then it becomes perfectly clear. And many more options, such as planning, invoice management, etc., etc. I hope you like it soon and you know that at the Academy you have more videos related to this great program of budgets and economic control of work.

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